Step into the enchanting world of “Faüla,” where two women and a cage take you on a journey of transformation like no other. This multidisciplinary performance is a treat for audiences of all ages.
Immerse yourself in a unique aerial stage design that delves into the realm of folklore, tracing the growth of two girls as they navigate their individual boundaries and evolve. But here’s the twist – this show challenges conventions and invites us to reflect on the notion that not everything taken for granted defines who we truly are. Themes of awareness, sisterhood, creativity, love, and above all, self-confidence, empower these women to embrace their freedom, authenticity, and strength.
“Faüla” sheds light on the life stories of contemporary women who persistently break down barriers and claim their freedoms.
This remarkable piece of art emerges from the collaboration of two aerial dance artists. After years of working with various companies, they’ve come together to create a show that’s uniquely their own – a platform to convey their personal journey since birth: the journey of womanhood.
In 2022, their outstanding talent caught the attention of “Alacant a Escena,” a platform dedicated to promoting the arts, particularly circus arts. This recognition propelled them to craft “Faüla,” their debut full-length masterpiece. And guess what? It became a part of the prestigious Festival Circarte 2022 lineup.
Directed and performed by the talented duo: Camila Manzano and María Pilar Martínez.
Get ready to be captivated by the essence of “Faüla” – a story that soars through the skies and touches the soul. Don’t miss the chance to witness this celebration of femininity and liberation.
Watch the two short video clips below.